Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lesson 8 - The Restoration of the Priesthood

This is for next Sunday, 24 February 2013.

Doctrine and Covenants 13, 20:38-67, 27:12-13; 84:6-30; 107:1-20; 110:11-16, JSH 1:66-73 (if you didn't already read Oliver's description, read it--I forgot that it is published at the end of JSH--as well as the original link that I used here).
We will spend more time with the sections underlined and we will also briefly touch on sections 22 and 121:34-44.
As often commemorated, the Aaronic priesthood was restored 15 May 1829. In contrast, we do not have a specific date for the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood. There is a brief, but useful discussion of the two main theories in terms of dating the reception of the Melchizedek Priesthood here. It is always best to go to the original sources. You have all of the original sources in one article here: Brian Cannon's "Priesthood Restoration Documents" published in BYU Studies. Decide what you think. Here is Larry Porter's classic Ensign article mentioned in both of these articles.

We will talk a little bit about Official Declaration Number 2. There is a fantastic, though lengthy, historical outline leading to June 1978 here written by Edward Kimball--son of President Spencer W. Kimball published in BYU Studies. I would urge you to think about OD2 not just as something that enabled all worthy men to hold the priesthood, but a revelation that gave all worthy members access to the highest priesthood blessings.

Priesthood structure is not a static thing. Some sections regarding the priesthood were edited, added to, and developed over time as priesthood structure was revealed (particularly 20 & 107). For further study on the development of priesthood structure see these articles by Bill Hartley: "From Men to Boys: LDS Aaronic Priesthood Offices, 1829-1996" here (find the correct pages in the Table of Contents); "The Preisthood Reform Movement, 1908-1922" here; and "The Priesthood Reorganization of 1877: Brigham Young's Last Achievement" here.

I think the following from the manual is helpful in organizing specific duties and responsibilities of individual priesthood holders and quorums. (And I know we won't have time to cover this in class.)

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