This lesson is not historically focused--at all, so for this installment I will pick one of the first ordinances and one of the first principles of the gospel as our focus. (And I think my class may still be also still talking about revelation.)
One tidbit on baptism: Sections 13 & 22 are an essential beginning to discuss baptism. As Joseph and Oliver worked on the Book of Mormon translation of 3 Nephi 11, they realized that they did not have the power to baptize. They went to the woods to "inquire of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins, that [they] found mentioned in the translation of the plates." (JSH 1:68) Joseph's remembrance of the visit of John the Baptist to restore the Aaronic priesthood and the power to baptize on 15 May 1829 is found in Section 13. You can find Oliver Cowdery's version of John's visit here (Letter I page 14-15). After the organization of the Church, Section 22 came when individuals already baptized in other faiths wanted to know if they needed to be re-baptized.
The Lectures on Faith were taught the winter of 1834 and 1835 in the School of the Prophets in Kirtland, Ohio. They were included in the first edition of the Doctrine & Covenants and every edition until 1921. The Lectures were published under Joseph Smith's name with his approval, but authors include Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Joseph Smith and potentially others.
There are some theological issues with the Lectures on Faith (particularly Lectures 2&5), but I think still a useful source to complement one's study of faith.
There is a free version of a mid-twentieth century publication here.
An article explaining the Lectures on Faith here.
And a brief explanation of the removal of the Lectures on Faith from the Doctrine & Covenants here.
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