Monday, May 6, 2013

Lesson 18 - "Establish....A House of God"

This week we get to talk about the Kirtland Temple principally and temple ordinances in general. Please read Doctrine and Covenants Section 95, 109, and 110.

The Kirtland Temple was the first of five temples for which Joseph would dedicate land during his lifetime: Kirtland, Independance, Far West, Adam-Ondi-Ahman, and Nauvoo. Dedicating ground for a temple was always one of the first tasks when the Saints moved to a new location, even though only two of those temples would be built.

The Kirtland Temple was much more of a meetinghouse than our temples today (and was originally topaz blue!). The temple was dedicated on 27 March 1836 and the dedication was culminated when essential keys were restored the following Sunday 3 April 1836. The Kirtland Endowment was preparatory ordinances. The complete temple endowment was not introduced until 1842 in Joseph's Red Brick Store in Nauvoo.

Read Steve Harper's fabulous collection of primary sources for the Kirtland Temple dedication here. It is long, but fantastic. Also, Larry Porter and Milton Backman's classic look at the doctrinal function of the temple in Nauvoo here.

If you've read something about Elijah's appearance being concurrent with Passover, read this caution.

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